Service of Subpoena in Florida
A subpoena is a request to produce documents, or to appear in court, or other legal proceeding. Our Florida Process Servers provide fast and efficient service of process when delivering subpoenas.
Our process servers are knowledgeable on all local laws, rules and regulations. Our clients are guaranteed that when Elite handles their process serving needs, that the assignment is being done properly while maintaining the highest level of ethics and integrity.
Our team of experienced Process Servers work diligently to complete assignments in a timely manner while providing the best service possible.
Witness Fees:
To expedite your order our office can advance the witness fee that needs to be served with the subpoena. The witness fee can be added to your invoice.
*** When placing an order please indicate the amount of the witness fee that needs to be included. ***
Please click on the link below to submit your service request today!
Elite Process Serving has been providing services to the legal community since 2003. We have a support staff dedicated to meeting the needs of all of our clients. Whether you have one assignment or one hundred assignments, you are guaranteed to receive the same level of service.
Questions: Email: or call (855) 299-4600