
Do you need to obtain service on a defendant? Are you trying to serve a tenant who isn’t paying their rent? Did you try using the Sheriff to obtain service, but attempts were unsuccessful? Is the defendant evading service?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you came to the right place.  Elite Process Serving has been providing service of process since 2003. Our team of experienced process servers are ready, willing and able to handle your service of process requirements.  Our clients include law firms, landlords, property managers, municipalities, cities, government agencies, collection agencies, insurance companies, financial institutions and private parties.

Our process servers have seen and done it all.  We routinely receive assignments for “difficult to serve” defendants. Our servers typically complete service on these defendants by utilizing thorough service attempts and diligent efforts.

Being a process server requires more than just knocking on the door. Our process servers interview neighbors, survey the area, and much more. They record detailed notes while in the field to ensure the most accurate information is obtained. Additionally, we have a team of administrative assistants ready to aid them with additional research while they are out in the field.

Elite Process Serving can handle all of your process serving needs.  We have an extensive network of experienced process servers throughout the United States with whom we work closely with. We require all process servers in our network to comply with our policies and procedures as well as follow our proven methods.

Placing an order for Process Serving is simple.  Just click the Order link below.

Once the assignment is completed we will email you a copy of the affidavit prior to sending the original to you via regular mail.

request for process service

We also offer same day service, pre-arranged service, stake outs, and many more options. If you have a special request or assignment, just contact us. We are here to help!

If you are interested in setting up an account to utilize our on-line services, you will be given a secure login ID and password so you can submit new requests or assignments, view status reports or view your files online.

To set up an online account contact us at:
